Class 'Abra\Service\Preview' not found search►
File: ...\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FieldControl.php:49
39: $data = json_decode($data); 40: $err = json_last_error(); 41: if($err !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) 42: { 43: throw new JsonDecodeException($err); 44: } 45: // z univerzalniho JSON pole zjistime, pokud mame definovany "element" (select s polozkama) 46: if(!empty($data->element)) 47: { 48: $className = 'Abra\\Service\\'.$data->element->_class; 49: $this->element = new $className($data->element); 50: } 51: // Pokud mame validacni pravidla, tak je zinicializujeme 52: if(!empty($data->rules) && is_array($data->rules)) 53: {
array (1)0 => Nette\Application\Request #7a1f| method private => "GET" (3) | flags private => array (1)| | secured => FALSE| name private => "Default" (7) | params private => array (4)| | bo => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | | action => "view" (4) | | id => "GDU0000101" (10) | | lang => "cs" (2)| post private => array () | files private => array ()
DefaultPresenter #d16cbo => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) formDescription protected => NULL formData protected => NULL ssFilter protected => Nette\Http\SessionSection #daa3| session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89ssFilterId protected => Nette\Http\SessionSection #fbfd| | regenerated private => NULL | | options private => array (14)| name private => "filter" (6) | data private => NULL | meta private => FALSE | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | | gc_maxlifetime => 1209600 | | | cookie_lifetime => 1209600 | | | referer_check => "" | | | use_cookies => 1 | | | use_only_cookies => 1 | | | use_trans_sid => 0 | | | cookie_path => "/" | | | cookie_domain => "" | | | cookie_secure => FALSE | | | cookie_httponly => TRUE | | | cache_limiter => NULL | | | cache_expire => NULL | | | hash_function => NULL | | | hash_bits_per_character => NULL| | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | method private => "GET" (3) | | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696 { ... } | | | query private => array () | | | post private => array () | | | files private => array () | | | cookies private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | headers private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | | remoteHost private => NULL | | | rawBody private => NULL| | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89ssOrder protected => Nette\Http\SessionSection #3e3b| | regenerated private => NULL | | options private => array (14)| name private => "filterId" (8) | data private => NULL | meta private => FALSE | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | | gc_maxlifetime => 1209600 | | | cookie_lifetime => 1209600 | | | referer_check => "" | | | use_cookies => 1 | | | use_only_cookies => 1 | | | use_trans_sid => 0 | | | cookie_path => "/" | | | cookie_domain => "" | | | cookie_secure => FALSE | | | cookie_httponly => TRUE | | | cache_limiter => NULL | | | cache_expire => NULL | | | hash_function => NULL | | | hash_bits_per_character => NULL| | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | method private => "GET" (3) | | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696 { ... } | | | query private => array () | | | post private => array () | | | files private => array () | | | cookies private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | headers private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | | remoteHost private => NULL | | | rawBody private => NULL| | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89entity protected => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) netteTranslator protected => GettextTranslator\Gettext #7d90| | regenerated private => NULL | | options private => array (14)| name private => "order" (5) | data private => NULL | meta private => FALSE | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | | gc_maxlifetime => 1209600 | | | cookie_lifetime => 1209600 | | | referer_check => "" | | | use_cookies => 1 | | | use_only_cookies => 1 | | | use_trans_sid => 0 | | | cookie_path => "/" | | | cookie_domain => "" | | | cookie_secure => FALSE | | | cookie_httponly => TRUE | | | cache_limiter => NULL | | | cache_expire => NULL | | | hash_function => NULL | | | hash_bits_per_character => NULL| | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | method private => "GET" (3) | | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696 { ... } | | | query private => array () | | | post private => array () | | | files private => array () | | | cookies private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | headers private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | | remoteHost private => NULL | | | rawBody private => NULL| | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| fileManager => GettextTranslator\FileManager #29e5entityLoader protected => Abra\Service\EntityLoader #0bf4| | defaultMetadata private => array (13)| files protected => array (1)| | | "Project-Id-Version" => "" | | | "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To" => NULL | | | "POT-Creation-Date" => "" | | | "Last-Translator" => "" | | | "Language-Team" => "" | | | "MIME-Version" => "1.0" (3) | | | "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" (25) | | | "Content-Transfer-Encoding" => "8bit" (4) | | | "Plural-Forms" => "nplurals=3; plural=((n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2));" (57) | | | "X-Poedit-Language" => NULL | | | "X-Poedit-Country" => NULL | | | "X-Poedit-SourceCharset" => NULL | | | "X-Poedit-KeywordsList" => NULL| | all => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app/lang" (31)| lang protected => "cs" (2) | dictionary private => array () | metadata private => array () | productionMode private => TRUE | loaded private => FALSE | sessionStorage private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #55a0| | session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89| cache private => Nette\Caching\Cache #f6db| | | regenerated private => NULL | | | options private => array (14) [ ... ] | | | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... }| | name private => "GettextTranslator-Gettext" (25) | | data private => NULL | | meta private => FALSE | | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | storage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage #d32d | | namespace private => "GettextTranslator-Gettext\x00" (26) | | key private => NULL | | data private => NULL| httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | cookieDomain => "" | | cookiePath => "/" | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | code private => 200| path protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54)abraService protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b| onRequest => NULL | onResponse => NULL | onResponseError => array (1)codelistModel protected => CodelistModel #4816| | 0 => Closure #7e99| onEntityCached => NULL | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | line => 157 | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | host => "" (9) | | port => 8082 | | path => "" | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | timeout => 300 | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | header_content_type => TRUE | | header_accept => TRUE | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386| contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | datetime_format => "Y-m-d H:i:s" (11) | | | date_format => "Y-m-d" (5) | | | time_format => "H:i:s" (5)| | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | url => "" (75) | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | http_code => 200 | | header_size => 146 | | request_size => 311 | | filetime => -1 | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | redirect_count => 0 | | total_time => 0.109 | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | connect_time => 0.0 | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | size_upload => 114.0 | | size_download => 6803.0 | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | certinfo => array () | | redirect_url => ""| counter protected => 1 | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | tryDescribe protected => array ()| config protected => array (1)modulesModel protected => ModulesModel #bc46| | nocache => array (2)| requestCache protected => array () | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b| | | TNxCurrency => TRUE | | | TNxPDMUser => array (1) [ ... ]| | onRequest => NULL | | onResponse => NULL | | onResponseError => array (1)| cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #fcb0| | | 0 => Closure #7e99| | onEntityCached => NULL | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 157 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386 { ... }| | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | | url => "" (75) | | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | | http_code => 200 | | | header_size => 146 | | | request_size => 311 | | | filetime => -1 | | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | | redirect_count => 0 | | | total_time => 0.109 | | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | | connect_time => 0.0 | | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | | size_upload => 114.0 | | | size_download => 6803.0 | | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | | certinfo => array () | | | redirect_url => ""| | counter protected => 1 | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | storage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | namespace private => "ModelCache\x00" (11) | | key private => NULL | | data private => NULL| service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1buserModel protected => UserModel #fd76| | onRequest => NULL | | onResponse => NULL | | onResponseError => array (1)| cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #9407| | | 0 => Closure #7e99| | onEntityCached => NULL | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 157 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386 { ... }| | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | | url => "" (75) | | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | | http_code => 200 | | | header_size => 146 | | | request_size => 311 | | | filetime => -1 | | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | | redirect_count => 0 | | | total_time => 0.109 | | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | | connect_time => 0.0 | | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | | size_upload => 114.0 | | | size_download => 6803.0 | | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | | certinfo => array () | | | redirect_url => ""| | counter protected => 1 | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | storage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | namespace private => "ModelCache\x00" (11) | | key private => NULL | | data private => NULL| service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1buniversalModel protected => UniversalModel #684d| | onRequest => NULL | | onResponse => NULL | | onResponseError => array (1)| user protected => Nette\Security\User #a8dd| | | 0 => Closure #7e99| | onEntityCached => NULL | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 157 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386 { ... }| | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | | url => "" (75) | | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | | http_code => 200 | | | header_size => 146 | | | request_size => 311 | | | filetime => -1 | | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | | redirect_count => 0 | | | total_time => 0.109 | | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | | connect_time => 0.0 | | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | | size_upload => 114.0 | | | size_download => 6803.0 | | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | | certinfo => array () | | | redirect_url => ""| | counter protected => 1 | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | guestRole => "guest" (5) | | authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) | | onLoggedIn => NULL | | onLoggedOut => NULL | | storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa| | | namespace private => "" | | | sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89 { ... } | | | sessionSection private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #7e60 { ... }| | authenticator private => AbraAuthenticator #3d36| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... }| | authorizator private => NULL| entityFilters protected => array () | filtersLoaded protected => array () | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1bcacheModel protected => CacheModel #cf36| | onRequest => NULL | | onResponse => NULL | | onResponseError => array (1)| cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #fcb3| | | 0 => Closure #7e99| | onEntityCached => NULL | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 157 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386 { ... }| | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | | url => "" (75) | | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | | http_code => 200 | | | header_size => 146 | | | request_size => 311 | | | filetime => -1 | | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | | redirect_count => 0 | | | total_time => 0.109 | | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | | connect_time => 0.0 | | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | | size_upload => 114.0 | | | size_download => 6803.0 | | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | | certinfo => array () | | | redirect_url => ""| | counter protected => 1 | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | storage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | namespace private => "ModelCache\x00" (11) | | key private => NULL | | data private => NULL| service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1bssUser protected => Nette\Http\SessionSection #f7bb| | onRequest => NULL | | onResponse => NULL | | onResponseError => array (1)| cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #cb2e| | | 0 => Closure #7e99| | onEntityCached => NULL | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 157 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$sender, $e, $url, $method, $rawRequest, $rawResponse" (53)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE | | | locale => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #1386 { ... }| | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4)| | | 0 => "Accept: text/xml" (16) | | | 1 => "Cache-Control: no-cache" (23) | | | 2 => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" (37) | | | 3 => "Content-length: 114" (19)| | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22)| | | url => "" (75) | | | content_type => "text/plain" (10) | | | http_code => 200 | | | header_size => 146 | | | request_size => 311 | | | filetime => -1 | | | ssl_verify_result => 0 | | | redirect_count => 0 | | | total_time => 0.109 | | | namelookup_time => 0.0 | | | connect_time => 0.0 | | | pretransfer_time => 0.0 | | | size_upload => 114.0 | | | size_download => 6803.0 | | | speed_download => 62412.0 | | | speed_upload => 1045.0 | | | download_content_length => 6803.0 | | | upload_content_length => 114.0 | | | starttransfer_time => 0.109 | | | redirect_time => 0.0 | | | certinfo => array () | | | redirect_url => ""| | counter protected => 1 | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | storage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | namespace private => "ModelCache\x00" (11) | | key private => NULL | | data private => NULL| session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89modules protected => array (1)| | regenerated private => NULL | | options private => array (14)| name private => "user" (4) | data private => array (4)| | | gc_maxlifetime => 1209600 | | | cookie_lifetime => 1209600 | | | referer_check => "" | | | use_cookies => 1 | | | use_only_cookies => 1 | | | use_trans_sid => 0 | | | cookie_path => "/" | | | cookie_domain => "" | | | cookie_secure => FALSE | | | cookie_httponly => TRUE | | | cache_limiter => NULL | | | cache_expire => NULL | | | hash_function => NULL | | | hash_bits_per_character => NULL| | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | method private => "GET" (3) | | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696 { ... } | | | query private => array () | | | post private => array () | | | files private => array () | | | cookies private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | headers private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | | remoteHost private => NULL | | | rawBody private => NULL| | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| | allowedModules => array (1)| meta private => NULL | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | | TNxPDMReceivedDoc => Module #1968 { ... }| | connection => "AWS" (3) | | auth => Abra\Service\Auth #d1e6| | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | | datetime protected => Nette\Utils\DateTime #5dc8 { ... }| | logo => Abra\Service\RawDataContainer #e31a| | | type protected => "TJPEGImage" (10) | | | mime protected => "image/jpeg" (10) | | | data protected => "\xff\xd8\xff\xe1\t`Exif\x00\x00II*\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00,\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x85\x00\x00\x00\x03\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x06\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x01\x02\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\xb6\x00\x00\x00\x12\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x01\x05\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x01\x05\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00(\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x001\x01\x02\x00\x1e\x00\x00\x00 ... " (1844667)| TNxPDMReceivedDoc => Module #1968currentModule protected => Module #1968| | actionsHash protected => array (13)| | | form => Action #9774 { ... } | | | massform => Action #cae1 { ... } | | | delete => Action #3591 { ... } | | | massdelete => Action #e6f6 { ... } | | | add => Action #1814 { ... } | | | print => Action #49f5 { ... } | | | view => Action #f408 { ... } | | | addattachment => Action #9d11 { ... } | | | addactivity => Action #454e { ... } | | | copy => Action #558e { ... } | | | filteredit => Action #f34a { ... } | | | filterglobaledit => Action #9d4b { ... } | | | massprint => Action #ca1d { ... }| | name protected => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | | caption protected => "Schvalování došlých dokladů" (32) | | description protected => "" | | collections protected => array (5)| | | 0 => "TNxCRMActivityPDM" (17) | | | 1 => "TNxDocConfirmationRow" (21) | | | 2 => "TNxDocumentContentPDM" (21) | | | 3 => "TNxDocumentContentPDM" (21) | | | 4 => "TNxPDMReceivedRow" (17)| | actions protected => array (13)| | | 0 => Action #9774 { ... } | | | 1 => Action #cae1 { ... } | | | 2 => Action #3591 { ... } | | | 3 => Action #e6f6 { ... } | | | 4 => Action #1814 { ... } | | | 5 => Action #49f5 { ... } | | | 6 => Action #f408 { ... } | | | 7 => Action #9d11 { ... } | | | 8 => Action #454e { ... } | | | 9 => Action #558e { ... } | | | 10 => Action #f34a { ... } | | | 11 => Action #9d4b { ... } | | | 12 => Action #ca1d { ... }| | __rawContent protected => "[Module]" (8) | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | _Parent => NULL| actionsHash protected => array (13)lang => "cs" (2) invalidLinkMode => 1 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request #7a1f| | form => Action #9774| name protected => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | caption protected => "Schvalování došlých dokladů" (32) | description protected => "" | collections protected => array (5)| | | name protected => "form" (4) | | | caption protected => "Schválit" (9) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | massform => Action #cae1| | | name protected => "massform" (8) | | | caption protected => "Schválit hromadně" (19) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | delete => Action #3591| | | name protected => "delete" (6) | | | caption protected => "Smazat" (6) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | massdelete => Action #e6f6| | | name protected => "massdelete" (10) | | | caption protected => "Smazat hromadně" (16) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | add => Action #1814| | | name protected => "add" (3) | | | caption protected => "Nový" (5) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | print => Action #49f5| | | name protected => "print" (5) | | | caption protected => "Tisk" (4) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | view => Action #f408| | | name protected => "view" (4) | | | caption protected => "Náhled" (7) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | addattachment => Action #9d11| | | name protected => "addattachment" (13) | | | caption protected => "Přidat přílohu" (17) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => "TNxAddAttachment" (16) | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | addactivity => Action #454e| | | name protected => "addactivity" (11) | | | caption protected => "Příloha" (9) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => "TNxAddActivity" (14) | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | copy => Action #558e| | | name protected => "copy" (4) | | | caption protected => "Kopie" (5) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | filteredit => Action #f34a| | | name protected => "filteredit" (10) | | | caption protected => "Upravit Filtr" (13) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | filterglobaledit => Action #9d4b| | | name protected => "filterglobaledit" (16) | | | caption protected => "Upravit globální Filtr" (24) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | massprint => Action #ca1d| | | name protected => "massprint" (9) | | | caption protected => "Tisk reportu" (12) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 0 => "TNxCRMActivityPDM" (17) | | 1 => "TNxDocConfirmationRow" (21) | | 2 => "TNxDocumentContentPDM" (21) | | 3 => "TNxDocumentContentPDM" (21) | | 4 => "TNxPDMReceivedRow" (17)| actions protected => array (13)| | 0 => Action #9774| __rawContent protected => "[Module]" (8) | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | _Parent => NULL| | | name protected => "form" (4) | | | caption protected => "Schválit" (9) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 1 => Action #cae1| | | name protected => "massform" (8) | | | caption protected => "Schválit hromadně" (19) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 2 => Action #3591| | | name protected => "delete" (6) | | | caption protected => "Smazat" (6) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 3 => Action #e6f6| | | name protected => "massdelete" (10) | | | caption protected => "Smazat hromadně" (16) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 4 => Action #1814| | | name protected => "add" (3) | | | caption protected => "Nový" (5) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 5 => Action #49f5| | | name protected => "print" (5) | | | caption protected => "Tisk" (4) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 6 => Action #f408| | | name protected => "view" (4) | | | caption protected => "Náhled" (7) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 7 => Action #9d11| | | name protected => "addattachment" (13) | | | caption protected => "Přidat přílohu" (17) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => "TNxAddAttachment" (16) | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 8 => Action #454e| | | name protected => "addactivity" (11) | | | caption protected => "Příloha" (9) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => "TNxAddActivity" (14) | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 9 => Action #558e| | | name protected => "copy" (4) | | | caption protected => "Kopie" (5) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 10 => Action #f34a| | | name protected => "filteredit" (10) | | | caption protected => "Upravit Filtr" (13) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 11 => Action #9d4b| | | name protected => "filterglobaledit" (16) | | | caption protected => "Upravit globální Filtr" (24) | | | active protected => TRUE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | 12 => Action #ca1d| | | name protected => "massprint" (9) | | | caption protected => "Tisk reportu" (12) | | | active protected => FALSE | | | object protected => NULL | | | __rawContent protected => "[Action]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| method private => "GET" (3) | flags private => array (1)response private => NULL autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array () globalState private => NULL globalStateSinces private => NULL action private => "view" (4) view private => "view" (4) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass #6d56 signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => NULL lastCreatedRequestFlag private => NULL context private => SystemContainer #4554| | secured => FALSE| name private => "Default" (7) | params private => array (4)| | bo => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | | action => "view" (4) | | id => "GDU0000101" (10) | | lang => "cs" (2)| post private => array () | files private => array ()| meta protected => array (1)httpRequest private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | types => array (41)| parameters => array (16)| | | "nette\object" => array (25) [ ... ] | | | "nette\bridges\framework\netteaccessor" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\caching\storages\ijournal" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\caching\storages\filejournal" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\caching\istorage" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\caching\storages\filestorage" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\requestfactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\irequest" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\request" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\iresponse" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\response" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\context" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\session" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\security\iuserstorage" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\http\userstorage" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\security\user" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\application\application" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\application\ipresenterfactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\application\presenterfactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\application\irouter" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\mail\imailer" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\mail\sendmailmailer" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\bridges\applicationlatte\ilattefactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\application\ui\itemplatefactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\bridges\applicationlatte\templatefactory" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\localization\itranslator" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "gettexttranslator\gettext" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "gettexttranslator\filemanager" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\security\iauthenticator" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | abraauthenticator => array (1) [ ... ] | | | abramodel => array (4) [ ... ] | | | cachemodel => array (1) [ ... ] | | | modulesmodel => array (1) [ ... ] | | | routerfactory => array (1) [ ... ] | | | universalmodel => array (1) [ ... ] | | | usermodel => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "abra\service\entityloader" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "abra\service\service" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "abra\service\xmlservice" => array (1) [ ... ] | | | codelistmodel => array (1) [ ... ] | | | "nette\di\container" => array (1) [ ... ]| | appDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app" (26) | | wwwDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www" (26) | | debugMode => FALSE | | productionMode => TRUE | | environment => "production" (10) | | consoleMode => FALSE | | container => array (3)| registry private => array (25)| | | class => "SystemContainer" (15) | | | parent => "Nette\DI\Container" (18) | | | accessors => TRUE| | tempDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp" (34) | | codelist => array (1)| | | nocache => array (2) [ ... ]| | connections => array (1)| | | AWS => "Data" (4)| | service => array (9)| | | host => "" (9) | | | port => 8082 | | | path => "" | | | encoding => "UTF-8" (5) | | | timeout => 300 | | | web_service_name => "userwebservice" (14) | | | header_content_type => TRUE | | | header_accept => TRUE | | | header_cache_control => TRUE| | visual => array (3)| | | maxWidth => "1400px" (6) | | | title => "ABRA Schvalování" (18) | | | logo => "logo-abra.jpg" (13)| | lang => "cs" (2) | | langs => array (5)| | | 0 => "cs" (2) | | | 1 => "en" (2) | | | 2 => "pl" (2) | | | 3 => "sk" (2) | | | 4 => "ro" (2)| | pagingSpread => 4 | | perPages => array (6)| | | 0 => 5 | | | 1 => 10 | | | 2 => 20 | | | 3 => 50 | | | 4 => 100 | | | 5 => 200| | "nette.httpRequestFactory" => Nette\Http\RequestFactory #017d| creating private => array ()| | | urlFilters => array (2) [ ... ] | | | binary private => FALSE | | | proxies private => array ()| | httpRequest => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | method private => "GET" (3) | | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696 { ... } | | | query private => array () | | | post private => array () | | | files private => array () | | | cookies private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | headers private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | | remoteHost private => NULL | | | rawBody private => NULL| | httpResponse => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| | session => Nette\Http\Session #7c89| | | regenerated private => NULL | | | options private => array (14) [ ... ] | | | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... }| | "nette.cacheJournal" => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0| | | file private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/btfj.dat" (43) | | | handle private => NULL | | | lastNode private => 2 | | | processIdentifier private => NULL | | | nodeCache private => array () | | | nodeChanged private => array () | | | toCommit private => array () | | | deletedLinks private => array () | | | dataNodeFreeSpace private => array ()| | cacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | "nette.presenterFactory" => Nette\Application\PresenterFactory #0cd9| | | caseSensitive => FALSE | | | mapping private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | baseDir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app" (26) | | | cache private => array (1) [ ... ] | | | container private => SystemContainer #4554 { RECURSION }| | routerFactory => RouterFactory #e46c | | router => Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList #3e17| | | cachedRoutes private => NULL | | | module private => "" | | | list private => array (5) [ ... ]| | application => Nette\Application\Application #f3f8| | | catchExceptions => TRUE | | | errorPresenter => "Error" (5) | | | onStartup => NULL | | | onShutdown => NULL | | | onRequest => NULL | | | onPresenter => NULL | | | onResponse => NULL | | | onError => NULL | | | requests private => array (1) [ ... ] | | | presenter private => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION } | | | httpRequest private => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... } | | | presenterFactory private => Nette\Application\PresenterFactory #0cd9 { ... } | | | router private => Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList #3e17 { ... }| | container => SystemContainer #4554 { RECURSION } | | "nette.userStorage" => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa| | | namespace private => "" | | | sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89 { ... } | | | sessionSection private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #7e60 { ... }| | 29_Abra_Service_XmlService => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b| | | onRequest => NULL | | | onResponse => NULL | | | onResponseError => array (1) [ ... ] | | | onEntityCached => NULL | | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe { ... } | | | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4) [ ... ] | | | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22) [ ... ] | | | counter protected => 1 | | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| | 22_AbraAuthenticator => AbraAuthenticator #3d36| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... }| | user => Nette\Security\User #a8dd| | | guestRole => "guest" (5) | | | authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) | | | onLoggedIn => NULL | | | onLoggedOut => NULL | | | storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa { ... } | | | authenticator private => AbraAuthenticator #3d36 { ... } | | | authorizator private => NULL| | "nette.latteFactory" => SystemContainer_Nette_Bridges_ApplicationLatte_ILatteFactoryImpl_nette_latteFactory #d34f| | | container private => SystemContainer #4554 { RECURSION }| | "nette.templateFactory" => Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\TemplateFactory #fe85| | | latteFactory private => SystemContainer_Nette_Bridges_ApplicationLatte_ILatteFactoryImpl_nette_latteFactory #d34f { ... } | | | httpRequest private => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... } | | | user private => Nette\Security\User #a8dd { ... } | | | cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306 { ... }| | 23_CacheModel => CacheModel #cf36| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #cb2e { ... }| | 28_Abra_Service_EntityLoader => Abra\Service\EntityLoader #0bf4| | | path protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54)| | 26_UniversalModel => UniversalModel #684d| | | entityFilters protected => array () | | | filtersLoaded protected => array () | | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #fcb3 { ... }| | 27_UserModel => UserModel #fd76| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | user protected => Nette\Security\User #a8dd { ... }| | 30_CodelistModel => CodelistModel #4816| | | config protected => array (1) [ ... ] | | | requestCache protected => array () | | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #fcb0 { ... }| | 24_ModulesModel => ModulesModel #bc46| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | cache protected => Nette\Caching\Cache #9407 { ... }| | "gettextTranslator.fileManager" => GettextTranslator\FileManager #29e5| | | defaultMetadata private => array (13) [ ... ]| | "gettextTranslator.translator" => GettextTranslator\Gettext #7d90| | | fileManager => GettextTranslator\FileManager #29e5 { ... } | | | files protected => array (1) [ ... ] | | | lang protected => "cs" (2) | | | dictionary private => array () | | | metadata private => array () | | | productionMode private => TRUE | | | loaded private => FALSE | | | sessionStorage private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #55a0 { ... } | | | cache private => Nette\Caching\Cache #f6db { ... } | | | httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... }| method private => "GET" (3) | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | scriptPath private => "/" | | scheme private => "http" (4) | | user private => "" | | pass private => "" | | host private => "" (12) | | port private => 8081 | | path private => "/TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101" (42) | | query private => "" | | fragment private => ""| query private => array () | post private => array () | files private => array () | cookies private => array (3)| | loginname => "exlová" (7) | | PHPSESSID => "m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6" (26) | | "nette-browser" => "wzic4j90q9" (10)| headers private => array (9)| | host => "" (17) | | connection => "keep-alive" (10) | | "upgrade-insecure-requests" => "1" | | "user-agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36" (114) | | accept => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" (85) | | referer => "" (55) | | "accept-encoding" => "gzip, deflate" (13) | | "accept-language" => "cs-CZ,cs;q=0.8" (14) | | cookie => "loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9" (85)| remoteAddress private => "" (11) | remoteHost private => NULL | rawBody private => NULL| cookieDomain => "" | cookiePath => "/" | cookieSecure => FALSE | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | code private => 200session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89| regenerated private => NULL | options private => array (14)presenterFactory private => Nette\Application\PresenterFactory #0cd9| | gc_maxlifetime => 1209600 | | cookie_lifetime => 1209600 | | referer_check => "" | | use_cookies => 1 | | use_only_cookies => 1 | | use_trans_sid => 0 | | cookie_path => "/" | | cookie_domain => "" | | cookie_secure => FALSE | | cookie_httponly => TRUE | | cache_limiter => NULL | | cache_expire => NULL | | hash_function => NULL | | hash_bits_per_character => NULL| request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | method private => "GET" (3) | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696| response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | scriptPath private => "/" | | | scheme private => "http" (4) | | | user private => "" | | | pass private => "" | | | host private => "" (12) | | | port private => 8081 | | | path private => "/TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101" (42) | | | query private => "" | | | fragment private => ""| | query private => array () | | post private => array () | | files private => array () | | cookies private => array (3)| | | loginname => "exlová" (7) | | | PHPSESSID => "m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6" (26) | | | "nette-browser" => "wzic4j90q9" (10)| | headers private => array (9)| | | host => "" (17) | | | connection => "keep-alive" (10) | | | "upgrade-insecure-requests" => "1" | | | "user-agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36" (114) | | | accept => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" (85) | | | referer => "" (55) | | | "accept-encoding" => "gzip, deflate" (13) | | | "accept-language" => "cs-CZ,cs;q=0.8" (14) | | | cookie => "loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9" (85)| | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | remoteHost private => NULL | | rawBody private => NULL| | cookieDomain => "" | | cookiePath => "/" | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | code private => 200| caseSensitive => FALSE | mapping private => array (2)router private => Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList #3e17| | "*" => array (3)| baseDir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app" (26) | cache private => array (1)| | | 0 => "" | | | 1 => "*Module\" (8) | | | 2 => "*Presenter" (10)| | Nette => array (3)| | | 0 => "NetteModule\" (12) | | | 1 => "*\" (2) | | | 2 => "*Presenter" (10)| | Default => array (2)| container private => SystemContainer #4554| | | 0 => "DefaultPresenter" (16) | | | 1 => "Default" (7)| | meta protected => array (1)| | | types => array (41) [ ... ]| | parameters => array (16)| | | appDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app" (26) | | | wwwDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www" (26) | | | debugMode => FALSE | | | productionMode => TRUE | | | environment => "production" (10) | | | consoleMode => FALSE | | | container => array (3) [ ... ] | | | tempDir => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp" (34) | | | codelist => array (1) [ ... ] | | | connections => array (1) [ ... ] | | | service => array (9) [ ... ] | | | visual => array (3) [ ... ] | | | lang => "cs" (2) | | | langs => array (5) [ ... ] | | | pagingSpread => 4 | | | perPages => array (6) [ ... ]| | registry private => array (25)| | | "nette.httpRequestFactory" => Nette\Http\RequestFactory #017d { ... } | | | httpRequest => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | httpResponse => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... } | | | session => Nette\Http\Session #7c89 { ... } | | | "nette.cacheJournal" => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | cacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306 { ... } | | | "nette.presenterFactory" => Nette\Application\PresenterFactory #0cd9 { RECURSION } | | | routerFactory => RouterFactory #e46c | | | router => Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList #3e17 { ... } | | | application => Nette\Application\Application #f3f8 { ... } | | | container => SystemContainer #4554 { RECURSION } | | | "nette.userStorage" => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa { ... } | | | 29_Abra_Service_XmlService => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... } | | | 22_AbraAuthenticator => AbraAuthenticator #3d36 { ... } | | | user => Nette\Security\User #a8dd { ... } | | | "nette.latteFactory" => SystemContainer_Nette_Bridges_ApplicationLatte_ILatteFactoryImpl_nette_latteFactory #d34f { ... } | | | "nette.templateFactory" => Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\TemplateFactory #fe85 { ... } | | | 23_CacheModel => CacheModel #cf36 { ... } | | | 28_Abra_Service_EntityLoader => Abra\Service\EntityLoader #0bf4 { ... } | | | 26_UniversalModel => UniversalModel #684d { ... } | | | 27_UserModel => UserModel #fd76 { ... } | | | 30_CodelistModel => CodelistModel #4816 { ... } | | | 24_ModulesModel => ModulesModel #bc46 { ... } | | | "gettextTranslator.fileManager" => GettextTranslator\FileManager #29e5 { ... } | | | "gettextTranslator.translator" => GettextTranslator\Gettext #7d90 { ... }| | creating private => array ()| cachedRoutes private => NULL | module private => "" | list private => array (5)user private => Nette\Security\User #a8dd| | 0 => Nette\Application\Routers\Route #d170| | | mask private => "[index.php]" (11) | | | sequence private => array (5) [ ... ] | | | re private => "#(?:index\.php)?/?\z#Aiu" (24) | | | aliases private => array () | | | metadata private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | xlat private => array () | | | type private => 3 | | | flags private => 1| | 1 => Nette\Application\Routers\Route #ffa3| | | mask private => "clearcache[/<connection>[/<object>]]" (36) | | | sequence private => array (13) [ ... ] | | | re private => "#clearcache(?:/(?P<p6>(?U)[^/]+)(?:/(?P<p17>(?U)[^/]+))?)?/?\z#Aiu" (66) | | | aliases private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | metadata private => array (4) [ ... ] | | | xlat private => array () | | | type private => 3 | | | flags private => 0| | 2 => Nette\Application\Routers\Route #2dcb| | | mask private => "logo/data" (9) | | | sequence private => array (1) [ ... ] | | | re private => "#logo/data/?\z#Aiu" (18) | | | aliases private => array () | | | metadata private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | xlat private => array () | | | type private => 3 | | | flags private => 0| | 3 => Nette\Application\Routers\Route #7278| | | mask private => "sign/<action>" (13) | | | sequence private => array (3) [ ... ] | | | re private => "#sign/(?:(?P<p0>(?U)[a-z][a-z0-9-]*))?/?\z#Aiu" (46) | | | aliases private => array (1) [ ... ] | | | metadata private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | xlat private => array () | | | type private => 3 | | | flags private => 0| | 4 => Nette\Application\Routers\Route #36a8| | | mask private => "[<lang=cs [a-zA-Z]{2}>/]<bo=s>/<presenter>/<action>[/<id [0-9a-zA-Z]{10}>]" (74) | | | sequence private => array (19) [ ... ] | | | re private => "#(?:(?P<p6>(?U)[a-zA-Z]{2})/)?(?:(?P<p17>(?U)[^/]+)/(?:(?P<p22>(?U)[a-z][a-z0-9.-]*)/(?:(?P<p27>(?U)[a-z][a-z0-9-]*)(?:/(?P<p38>(?U)[0-9a-zA-Z]{10}))? ... " (164) | | | aliases private => array (5) [ ... ] | | | metadata private => array (5) [ ... ] | | | xlat private => array () | | | type private => 3 | | | flags private => 0| guestRole => "guest" (5) | authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) | onLoggedIn => NULL | onLoggedOut => NULL | storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aatemplateFactory private => Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\TemplateFactory #fe85| | namespace private => "" | | sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89| authenticator private => AbraAuthenticator #3d36| | | regenerated private => NULL | | | options private => array (14) [ ... ] | | | request private => Nette\Http\Request #6826 { ... } | | | response private => Nette\Http\Response #807e { ... }| | sessionSection private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #7e60| | | session private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89 { ... } | | | name private => "Nette.Http.UserStorage/" (23) | | | data private => array (9) [ ... ] | | | meta private => array (2) [ ... ] | | | warnOnUndefined => FALSE| | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b| authorizator private => NULL| | | onRequest => NULL | | | onResponse => NULL | | | onResponseError => array (1) [ ... ] | | | onEntityCached => NULL | | | config protected => Nette\Utils\ArrayHash #58fe { ... } | | | contentType protected => "text/xml" (8) | | | rawUrl protected => "" (75) | | | rawRequest protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request><auth><token>1NJ1000101</token></auth><search></search></request> " (114) | | | rawRequestHeaders protected => array (4) [ ... ] | | | rawResponse protected => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response><data><form><rows><row><columns><column><sections><section><caption>Údaje o dodavateli</caption><fi ... " (6803) | | | rawResponseHeaders protected => array (22) [ ... ] | | | counter protected => 1 | | | token protected => "1NJ1000101" (10) | | | connectionName protected => "AWS" (3) | | | entityCachePath protected => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54) | | | tryDescribe protected => array ()| latteFactory private => SystemContainer_Nette_Bridges_ApplicationLatte_ILatteFactoryImpl_nette_latteFactory #d34ftemplateFactory private => NULL template private => Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template #7e83| | container private => SystemContainer #4554| httpRequest private => Nette\Http\Request #6826| | | meta protected => array (1) [ ... ] | | | parameters => array (16) [ ... ] | | | registry private => array (25) [ ... ] | | | creating private => array ()| | method private => "GET" (3) | | url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript #6696| httpResponse private => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | scriptPath private => "/" | | | scheme private => "http" (4) | | | user private => "" | | | pass private => "" | | | host private => "" (12) | | | port private => 8081 | | | path private => "/TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101" (42) | | | query private => "" | | | fragment private => ""| | query private => array () | | post private => array () | | files private => array () | | cookies private => array (3)| | | loginname => "exlová" (7) | | | PHPSESSID => "m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6" (26) | | | "nette-browser" => "wzic4j90q9" (10)| | headers private => array (9)| | | host => "" (17) | | | connection => "keep-alive" (10) | | | "upgrade-insecure-requests" => "1" | | | "user-agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36" (114) | | | accept => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" (85) | | | referer => "" (55) | | | "accept-encoding" => "gzip, deflate" (13) | | | "accept-language" => "cs-CZ,cs;q=0.8" (14) | | | cookie => "loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9" (85)| | remoteAddress private => "" (11) | | remoteHost private => NULL | | rawBody private => NULL| | cookieDomain => "" | | cookiePath => "/" | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | code private => 200| user private => Nette\Security\User #a8dd| | guestRole => "guest" (5) | | authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) | | onLoggedIn => NULL | | onLoggedOut => NULL | | storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa| cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | namespace private => "" | | | sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session #7c89 { ... } | | | sessionSection private => Nette\Http\SessionSection #7e60 { ... }| | authenticator private => AbraAuthenticator #3d36| | | service protected => Abra\Service\XmlService #3b1b { ... }| | authorizator private => NULL| | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | useDirs private => TRUE | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0| | | file private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/btfj.dat" (43) | | | handle private => NULL | | | lastNode private => 2 | | | processIdentifier private => NULL | | | nodeCache private => array () | | | nodeChanged private => array () | | | toCommit private => array () | | | deletedLinks private => array () | | | dataNodeFreeSpace private => array ()| | locks private => NULL| latte private => Latte\Engine #e6e4invalidSnippets private => array () snippetMode => NULL params protected => array (4)| | onCompile => array (1)| file private => NULL | params private => array (20)| | | 0 => Closure #7ab4| | parser private => NULL | | compiler private => NULL | | loader private => Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Loader #e39f| | | | file => "phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/TemplateFactory.php" (96) | | | | line => 19 | | | | variables => array (2) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$latte" (6)| | | presenter private => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION }| | contentType private => "html" (4) | | tempDirectory private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/cache/latte" (46) | | autoRefresh private => FALSE | | filters private => array (42)| | | "" => array () | | | bytes => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::bytes" (28) | | | capitalize => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::capitalize" (33) | | | datastream => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::dataStream" (33) | | | date => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::date" (27) | | | escapecss => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeCss" (32) | | | escapehtml => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeHtml" (33) | | | escapehtmlcomment => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeHtmlComment" (40) | | | escapeical => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeICal" (33) | | | escapejs => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeJs" (31) | | | escapeurl => "rawurlencode" (12) | | | escapexml => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::escapeXML" (32) | | | firstupper => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::firstUpper" (33) | | | implode => "implode" (7) | | | indent => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::indent" (29) | | | lower => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::lower" (28) | | | nl2br => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::nl2br" (28) | | | number => "number_format" (13) | | | repeat => "str_repeat" (10) | | | replace => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::replace" (30) | | | replacere => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::replaceRe" (32) | | | safeurl => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::safeUrl" (30) | | | strip => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::strip" (28) | | | striptags => "strip_tags" (10) | | | substr => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::substring" (32) | | | trim => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::trim" (27) | | | truncate => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::truncate" (31) | | | upper => "Latte\Runtime\Filters::upper" (28) | | | url => "rawurlencode" (12) | | | normalize => "Nette\Utils\Strings::normalize" (30) | | | toascii => "Nette\Utils\Strings::toAscii" (28) | | | webalize => "Nette\Utils\Strings::webalize" (29) | | | padleft => "Nette\Utils\Strings::padLeft" (28) | | | padright => "Nette\Utils\Strings::padRight" (29) | | | reverse => "Nette\Utils\Strings::reverse" (28) | | | null => Closure #bdcc| | baseTemplateClass private => "Latte\Template" (14)| | | | file => "phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/TemplateFactory.php" (96) | | | | line => 20 | | | | variables => array () | | | | parameters => ""| | | length => Closure #0cb7| | | | file => "phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/TemplateFactory.php" (96) | | | | line => 20 | | | | variables => array () | | | | parameters => "$var" (4)| | | modifydate => Closure #3e6c| | | | file => "phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/TemplateFactory.php" (96) | | | | line => 21 | | | | variables => array () | | | | parameters => "$time, $delta, $unit" (20)| | | translate => array (2) [ ... ] | | | placevalues => Closure #b17e| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 338 | | | | variables => array () | | | | parameters => "$text, $row" (11)| | | objectvalue => Closure #f489| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 343 | | | | variables => array () | | | | parameters => "$property, $row" (15)| | | renderactions => Closure #6d67| | | | file => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php" (55) | | | | line => 348 | | | | variables => array (1) [ ... ] | | | | parameters => "$module, $row" (13)| | _control => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION } | | control => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION } | | _presenter => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION } | | presenter => DefaultPresenter #d16c { RECURSION } | | user => Nette\Security\User #a8dd| | | guestRole => "guest" (5) | | | authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) | | | onLoggedIn => NULL | | | onLoggedOut => NULL | | | storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage #a5aa { ... } | | | authenticator private => AbraAuthenticator #3d36 { ... } | | | authorizator private => NULL| | netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response #807e| | | cookieDomain => "" | | | cookiePath => "/" | | | cookieSecure => FALSE | | | cookieHttpOnly => TRUE | | | warnOnBuffer => TRUE | | | code private => 200| | netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage #6306| | | dir private => "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache" (33) | | | useDirs private => TRUE | | | journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal #25a0 { ... } | | | locks private => NULL| | baseUrl => "" (24) | | baseUri => "" (24) | | basePath => "" | | flashes => array () | | guide => "/manual/Manual.pdf" (18) | | lang => "cs" (2) | | langs => array (5)| | | 0 => "cs" (2) | | | 1 => "en" (2) | | | 2 => "pl" (2) | | | 3 => "sk" (2) | | | 4 => "ro" (2)| | presenterName => "Default" (7) | | modules => array (1)| | | TNxPDMReceivedDoc => Module #1968 { ... }| | currentModule => Module #1968| | | actionsHash protected => array (13) [ ... ] | | | name protected => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | | | caption protected => "Schvalování došlých dokladů" (32) | | | description protected => "" | | | collections protected => array (5) [ ... ] | | | actions protected => array (13) [ ... ] | | | __rawContent protected => "[Module]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | module => Module #1968| | | actionsHash protected => array (13) [ ... ] | | | name protected => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | | | caption protected => "Schvalování došlých dokladů" (32) | | | description protected => "" | | | collections protected => array (5) [ ... ] | | | actions protected => array (13) [ ... ] | | | __rawContent protected => "[Module]" (8) | | | __entityNamespace protected => NULL | | | _Parent => NULL| | logo => Abra\Service\RawDataContainer #e31a| | | type protected => "TJPEGImage" (10) | | | mime protected => "image/jpeg" (10) | | | data protected => "\xff\xd8\xff\xe1\t`Exif\x00\x00II*\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00,\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x85\x00\x00\x00\x03\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x06\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x01\x02\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\xb6\x00\x00\x00\x12\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x01\x05\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x01\x05\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd0\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00(\x01\x03\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x001\x01\x02\x00\x1e\x00\x00\x00 ... " (1844667)| | singleModule => TRUE| bo => "TNxPDMReceivedDoc" (17) | action => "view" (4) | id => "GDU0000101" (10) | lang => "cs" (2)components private => array () cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Default" (7) monitors private => array ()
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HTTP_REFERER | "" (55)
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HTTP_COOKIE | "loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9" (85)
PATH | "C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\O ... " (363)
SystemRoot | "C:\Windows" (10)
COMSPEC | "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" (27)
WINDIR | "C:\Windows" (10)
SERVER_SOFTWARE | "Apache/2.2.25 (Win32) PHP/5.3.29" (32)
SERVER_NAME | "" (12)
SERVER_ADDR | "" (11)
SERVER_PORT | "8081" (4)
REMOTE_ADDR | "" (11)
DOCUMENT_ROOT | "C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/www/" (27)
SERVER_ADMIN | "" (30)
SCRIPT_FILENAME | "C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/www/index.php" (36)
REMOTE_PORT | "59182" (5)
REDIRECT_URL | "/TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101" (42)
REQUEST_URI | "/TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101" (42)
SCRIPT_NAME | "/index.php" (10)
PHP_SELF | "/index.php" (10)
REQUEST_TIME | 1501064774
__NF | Nette Session |
user | array (4) |
Nette.Http.UserStorage/ | array (9) |
filter | NULL
order | array (2) |
GettextTranslator-Gettext | array (1) |
filterId | array (1) |
WWW_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www" (26)
APP_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../app" (33)
LIBS_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../libs" (34)
LOG_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../log" (33)
TEMP_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp" (34)
ABRA_SERVICE_CACHE_DIR | "C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www/../temp/AbraService-classes" (54)
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\www\index.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\bootstrap.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\Nette\nette.phar |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/loader.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Loaders/NetteLoader.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bootstrap/Configurator.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/Object.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/DI/CompilerExtension.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/Bar.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/BlueScreen.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/Dumper.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/exceptions.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/IMacro.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/Macros/MacroSet.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/Object.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/ArrayHash.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/ArrayList.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/DateTime.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/Image.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/ObjectMixin.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Neon/Exception.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Neon/Entity.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Neon/Neon.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/shortcuts.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/Debugger.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/DefaultBarPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/IBarPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/FireLogger.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/Helpers.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/Logger.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/deprecated/Diagnostics/Debugger.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/RobotLoader/RobotLoader.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/Storages/FileStorage.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/IStorage.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/Cache.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/DI/ContainerFactory.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\temp\cache\Nette.Configurator\993b8829900e508422240e2d31469a53.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/DI/Container.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/ILatteFactory.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/Framework/TracyBridge.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Framework.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Reflection/ClassType.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Reflection/Method.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/Session.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/RequestFactory.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/UrlScript.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/Url.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/Strings.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/Callback.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/Request.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/IRequest.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/Response.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/IResponse.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\classes\Module.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Entity.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\classes\Action.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Auth.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\RawDataContainer.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Security/Identity.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Security/IIdentity.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\classes\User.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/SafeStream/SafeStream.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Reflection/AnnotationsParser.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/Storages/FileJournal.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/Storages/IJournal.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/deprecated/Environment.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\SessionPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/deprecated/Diagnostics/IBarPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/Application.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/PresenterFactory.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/IPresenterFactory.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\router\RouterFactory.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/Routers/RouteList.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/IRouter.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/Routers/Route.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationTracy/RoutingPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/Request.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\DefaultPresenter.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\presenters\BasePresenter.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/Presenter.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/Control.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/PresenterComponent.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/ComponentModel/Container.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/ComponentModel/Component.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/ComponentModel/IComponent.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/ComponentModel/IContainer.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/ISignalReceiver.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/IStatePersistent.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/IRenderable.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/IPresenter.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/DI/Helpers.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Reflection/Parameter.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Security/User.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Security/IUserStorage.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/UserStorage.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\AbraAuthenticator.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Security/IAuthenticator.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\XmlService.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Service.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\ServiceBarPanel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/ITemplateFactory.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/TemplateFactory.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\CacheModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\AbraModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\EntityLoader.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\UniversalModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\UserModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\CodelistModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\app\models\ModulesModel.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\NetteTranslator\Gettext.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Utils/ITranslator.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\NetteTranslator\FileManager.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Http/SessionSection.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Caching/Storages/DevNullStorage.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\NetteTranslator\Panel\Panel.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Reflection/Property.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/PresenterComponentReflection.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/Engine.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/Compiler.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/Template.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Application/UI/ITemplate.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Bridges/ApplicationLatte/Loader.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/Loaders/FileLoader.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Latte/ILoader.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Request.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Response.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FormDescription.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FormRow.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FormColumn.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FormSection.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FormField.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\BaseField.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\FieldControl.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\Link.php |
C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\libs\AbraService\Metadata\Element.php |
phar://C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/libs/Nette/nette.phar/Tracy/templates/bluescreen.phtml |
Apache Version | Apache/2.2.25 (Win32) PHP/5.3.29 |
Apache API Version | 20051115 |
Server Administrator | |
Hostname:Port | |
Max Requests | Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100 |
Timeouts | Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 5 |
Virtual Server | Yes |
Server Root | C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2 |
Loaded Modules | core mod_win32 mpm_winnt http_core mod_so mod_actions mod_alias mod_asis mod_auth_basic mod_authn_default mod_authn_file mod_authz_default mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_autoindex mod_cgi mod_dir mod_env mod_include mod_isapi mod_log_config mod_mime mod_negotiation mod_rewrite mod_setenvif mod_php5 mod_abra_wsserver_http_2_2 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
engine | 1 | 1 |
last_modified | 0 | 0 |
xbithack | 0 | 0 |
Variable | Value |
HTTP_CONNECTION | keep-alive |
HTTP_USER_AGENT | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36 |
HTTP_ACCEPT | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8 |
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | gzip, deflate |
HTTP_COOKIE | loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9 |
PATH | C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ |
SystemRoot | C:\Windows |
COMSPEC | C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe |
WINDIR | C:\Windows |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | Apache/2.2.25 (Win32) PHP/5.3.29 |
SERVER_PORT | 8081 |
DOCUMENT_ROOT | C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/www/ |
SCRIPT_FILENAME | C:/Web/WWW/schvalovani/www/index.php |
REMOTE_PORT | 59182 |
REDIRECT_URL | /TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101 |
QUERY_STRING | no value |
REQUEST_URI | /TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101 |
SCRIPT_NAME | /index.php |
HTTP Request Headers | |
HTTP Request | GET /TNxPDMReceivedDoc/default/view/GDU0000101 HTTP/1.1 |
Host | |
Connection | keep-alive |
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests | 1 |
User-Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36 |
Accept | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8 |
Referer | |
Accept-Encoding | gzip, deflate |
Accept-Language | cs-CZ,cs;q=0.8 |
Cookie | loginname=exlov%C3%A1; PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; nette-browser=wzic4j90q9 |
HTTP Response Headers | |
X-Powered-By | Nette Framework |
Expires | Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT |
Cache-Control | no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 |
Pragma | no-cache |
Set-Cookie | PHPSESSID=m9v2ck8822i97dt8bou0140do6; expires=Wed, 09-Aug-2017 10:26:14 GMT; path=/; httponly |
Set-Cookie | nette-browser=wzic4j90q9; path=/; httponly |
X-Frame-Options | SAMEORIGIN |
Vary | X-Requested-With |
BCMath support | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
bcmath.scale | 0 | 0 |
BZip2 Support | Enabled |
Stream Wrapper support | compress.bzip2:// |
Stream Filter support | bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress |
BZip2 Version | 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010 |
Calendar support | enabled |
PHP Version | 5.3.29 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
allow_call_time_pass_reference | Off | Off |
allow_url_fopen | On | On |
allow_url_include | Off | Off |
always_populate_raw_post_data | Off | Off |
arg_separator.input | & | & |
arg_separator.output | & | & |
asp_tags | Off | Off |
auto_append_file | no value | no value |
auto_globals_jit | On | On |
auto_prepend_file | no value | no value |
browscap | no value | no value |
default_charset | no value | no value |
default_mimetype | text/html | text/html |
define_syslog_variables | Off | Off |
disable_classes | no value | no value |
disable_functions | no value | no value |
display_errors | Off | Off |
display_startup_errors | Off | Off |
doc_root | no value | no value |
docref_ext | no value | no value |
docref_root | no value | no value |
enable_dl | Off | Off |
error_append_string | no value | no value |
error_log | C:\Web\WWW\schvalovani\log/php_error.log | C:\Windows\temp\php-errors.log |
error_prepend_string | no value | no value |
error_reporting | 0 | 22527 |
exit_on_timeout | Off | Off |
expose_php | On | On |
extension_dir | C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext | C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext |
file_uploads | On | On | | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
highlight.comment | #998; font-style: italic | #FF8000 |
highlight.default | #000 | #0000BB |
highlight.html | #06B | #000000 |
highlight.keyword | #D24; font-weight: bold | #007700 |
highlight.string | #080 | #DD0000 |
html_errors | Off | Off |
ignore_repeated_errors | Off | Off |
ignore_repeated_source | Off | Off |
ignore_user_abort | Off | Off |
implicit_flush | Off | Off |
include_path | .;C:\php\pear | .;C:\php\pear |
log_errors | Off | On |
log_errors_max_len | 1024 | 1024 |
magic_quotes_gpc | Off | Off |
magic_quotes_runtime | Off | Off |
magic_quotes_sybase | Off | Off |
mail.add_x_header | On | On |
mail.force_extra_parameters | no value | no value |
mail.log | no value | no value |
max_execution_time | 120 | 30 |
max_file_uploads | 20 | 20 |
max_input_nesting_level | 64 | 64 |
max_input_time | 60 | 60 |
max_input_vars | 1000 | 1000 |
memory_limit | 128M | 128M |
open_basedir | no value | no value |
output_buffering | 4096 | 4096 |
output_handler | no value | no value |
post_max_size | 128M | 8M |
precision | 14 | 14 |
realpath_cache_size | 16K | 16K |
realpath_cache_ttl | 120 | 120 |
register_argc_argv | Off | Off |
register_globals | Off | Off |
register_long_arrays | Off | Off |
report_memleaks | On | On |
report_zend_debug | On | On |
request_order | GP | GP |
safe_mode | Off | Off |
safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value |
safe_mode_gid | Off | Off |
safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value |
sendmail_from | no value | no value |
sendmail_path | no value | no value |
serialize_precision | 17 | 17 |
short_open_tag | Off | Off |
SMTP | localhost | localhost |
smtp_port | 25 | 25 |
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off |
track_errors | Off | Off |
unserialize_callback_func | no value | no value |
upload_max_filesize | 128M | 2M |
upload_tmp_dir | C:\Windows\Temp | C:\Windows\Temp |
user_dir | no value | no value |
user_ini.cache_ttl | 300 | 300 |
user_ini.filename | .user.ini | .user.ini |
variables_order | GPCS | GPCS |
windows.show_crt_warning | Off | Off |
xmlrpc_error_number | 0 | 0 |
xmlrpc_errors | Off | Off |
y2k_compliance | On | On |
zend.enable_gc | On | On |
ctype functions | enabled |
cURL support | enabled |
cURL Information | 7.35.0 |
Age | 3 |
Features | |
AsynchDNS | Yes |
Debug | No |
GSS-Negotiate | Yes |
IDN | No |
IPv6 | Yes |
Largefile | Yes |
NTLM | Yes |
SPNEGO | Yes |
SSL | Yes |
SSPI | Yes |
krb4 | No |
libz | Yes |
CharConv | No |
Protocols | dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, pop3, pop3s, rtsp, scp, sftp, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp |
Host | i386-pc-win32 |
SSL Version | OpenSSL/0.9.8{ |
ZLib Version | 1.2.7 |
libSSH Version | libssh2/1.4.2 |
date/time support | enabled |
"Olson" Timezone Database Version | 2013.3 |
Timezone Database | internal |
Default timezone | Europe/Prague |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
date.default_latitude | 31.7667 | 31.7667 |
date.default_longitude | 35.2333 | 35.2333 |
date.sunrise_zenith | 90.583333 | 90.583333 |
date.sunset_zenith | 90.583333 | 90.583333 |
date.timezone | no value | no value |
DOM/XML | enabled |
DOM/XML API Version | 20031129 |
libxml Version | 2.7.8 |
HTML Support | enabled |
XPath Support | enabled |
XPointer Support | enabled |
Schema Support | enabled |
RelaxNG Support | enabled |
Regex Library | Bundled library enabled |
EXIF Support | enabled |
EXIF Version | 1.4 $Id$ |
Supported EXIF Version | 0220 |
Supported filetypes | JPEG,TIFF |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
exif.decode_jis_intel | JIS | JIS |
exif.decode_jis_motorola | JIS | JIS |
exif.decode_unicode_intel | UCS-2LE | UCS-2LE |
exif.decode_unicode_motorola | UCS-2BE | UCS-2BE |
exif.encode_jis | no value | no value |
exif.encode_unicode | ISO-8859-15 | ISO-8859-15 |
fileinfo support | enabled |
version | 1.0.5-dev |
Input Validation and Filtering | enabled |
Revision | $Id: 209a1c3c98c04a5474846e7bbe8ca72054ccfd4f $ |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
filter.default | unsafe_raw | unsafe_raw |
filter.default_flags | no value | no value |
FTP support | enabled |
GD Support | enabled |
GD Version | bundled (2.1.0 compatible) |
FreeType Support | enabled |
FreeType Linkage | with freetype |
FreeType Version | 2.4.10 |
GIF Read Support | enabled |
GIF Create Support | enabled |
JPEG Support | enabled |
libJPEG Version | 8 |
PNG Support | enabled |
libPNG Version | 1.2.50 |
WBMP Support | enabled |
XPM Support | enabled |
libXpm Version | 30411 |
XBM Support | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning | 0 | 0 |
GetText Support | enabled |
gmp support | enabled |
MPIR version | 1.3.1 |
hash support | enabled |
Hashing Engines | md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru snefru256 gost adler32 crc32 crc32b salsa10 salsa20 haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5 |
iconv support | enabled |
iconv implementation | "libiconv" |
iconv library version | 1.14 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
iconv.input_encoding | ISO-8859-1 | ISO-8859-1 |
iconv.internal_encoding | ISO-8859-1 | ISO-8859-1 |
iconv.output_encoding | ISO-8859-1 | ISO-8859-1 |
IMAP c-Client Version | 2007e |
SSL Support | enabled |
json support | enabled |
json version | 1.2.1 |
libXML support | active |
libXML Compiled Version | 2.7.8 |
libXML Loaded Version | 20708 |
libXML streams | enabled |
Multibyte Support | enabled |
Multibyte string engine | libmbfl |
HTTP input encoding translation | disabled |
mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. |
Multibyte (japanese) regex support | enabled |
Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version | 4.7.1 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mbstring.detect_order | no value | no value |
mbstring.encoding_translation | Off | Off |
mbstring.func_overload | 0 | 0 |
mbstring.http_input | pass | pass |
mbstring.http_output | pass | pass |
mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes | ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) | ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) |
mbstring.internal_encoding | no value | no value |
mbstring.language | neutral | neutral |
mbstring.strict_detection | Off | Off |
mbstring.substitute_character | no value | no value |
mcrypt support | enabled |
mcrypt_filter support | enabled |
Version | 2.5.8 |
Api No | 20021217 |
Supported ciphers | cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes arcfour |
Supported modes | cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb stream |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mcrypt.algorithms_dir | no value | no value |
mcrypt.modes_dir | no value | no value |
MHASH support | Enabled |
MHASH API Version | Emulated Support |
MySQL Support | enabled |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 0 |
Client API version | mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 731e5b87ba42146a687c29995d2dfd8b4e40b325 $ |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mysql.allow_local_infile | On | On |
mysql.allow_persistent | On | On |
mysql.connect_timeout | 60 | 60 |
mysql.default_host | no value | no value |
mysql.default_password | no value | no value |
mysql.default_port | no value | no value |
mysql.default_socket | no value | no value |
mysql.default_user | no value | no value |
mysql.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysql.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysql.trace_mode | Off | Off |
MysqlI Support | enabled |
Client API library version | mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 731e5b87ba42146a687c29995d2dfd8b4e40b325 $ |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Inactive Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 0 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mysqli.allow_local_infile | On | On |
mysqli.allow_persistent | On | On |
mysqli.default_host | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_port | 3306 | 3306 |
mysqli.default_pw | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_socket | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_user | no value | no value |
mysqli.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysqli.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysqli.reconnect | Off | Off |
mysqlnd | enabled |
Version | mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 731e5b87ba42146a687c29995d2dfd8b4e40b325 $ |
Compression | supported |
SSL | supported |
Command buffer size | 4096 |
Read buffer size | 32768 |
Read timeout | 31536000 |
Collecting statistics | Yes |
Collecting memory statistics | No |
Tracing | n/a |
Client statistics | |
bytes_sent | 0 |
bytes_received | 0 |
packets_sent | 0 |
packets_received | 0 |
protocol_overhead_in | 0 |
protocol_overhead_out | 0 |
bytes_received_ok_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_eof_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_rset_header_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_rset_field_meta_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_rset_row_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_prepare_response_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_change_user_packet | 0 |
packets_sent_command | 0 |
packets_received_ok | 0 |
packets_received_eof | 0 |
packets_received_rset_header | 0 |
packets_received_rset_field_meta | 0 |
packets_received_rset_row | 0 |
packets_received_prepare_response | 0 |
packets_received_change_user | 0 |
result_set_queries | 0 |
non_result_set_queries | 0 |
no_index_used | 0 |
bad_index_used | 0 |
slow_queries | 0 |
buffered_sets | 0 |
unbuffered_sets | 0 |
ps_buffered_sets | 0 |
ps_unbuffered_sets | 0 |
flushed_normal_sets | 0 |
flushed_ps_sets | 0 |
ps_prepared_never_executed | 0 |
ps_prepared_once_executed | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_server_normal | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_server_ps | 0 |
rows_buffered_from_client_normal | 0 |
rows_buffered_from_client_ps | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_normal_buffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_normal_unbuffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_buffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_unbuffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_cursor | 0 |
rows_affected_normal | 0 |
rows_affected_ps | 0 |
rows_skipped_normal | 0 |
rows_skipped_ps | 0 |
copy_on_write_saved | 0 |
copy_on_write_performed | 0 |
command_buffer_too_small | 0 |
connect_success | 0 |
connect_failure | 0 |
connection_reused | 0 |
reconnect | 0 |
pconnect_success | 0 |
active_connections | 0 |
active_persistent_connections | 0 |
explicit_close | 0 |
implicit_close | 0 |
disconnect_close | 0 |
in_middle_of_command_close | 0 |
explicit_free_result | 0 |
implicit_free_result | 0 |
explicit_stmt_close | 0 |
implicit_stmt_close | 0 |
mem_emalloc_count | 0 |
mem_emalloc_amount | 0 |
mem_ecalloc_count | 0 |
mem_ecalloc_amount | 0 |
mem_erealloc_count | 0 |
mem_erealloc_amount | 0 |
mem_efree_count | 0 |
mem_efree_amount | 0 |
mem_malloc_count | 0 |
mem_malloc_amount | 0 |
mem_calloc_count | 0 |
mem_calloc_amount | 0 |
mem_realloc_count | 0 |
mem_realloc_amount | 0 |
mem_free_count | 0 |
mem_free_amount | 0 |
mem_estrndup_count | 0 |
mem_strndup_count | 0 |
mem_estndup_count | 0 |
mem_strdup_count | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_null | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_bit | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_tinyint | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_short | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_int24 | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_int | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_bigint | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_decimal | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_float | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_double | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_date | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_year | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_time | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_datetime | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_timestamp | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_string | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_blob | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_enum | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_set | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_geometry | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_other | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_null | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_bit | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_tinyint | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_short | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_int24 | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_int | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_bigint | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_decimal | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_float | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_double | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_date | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_year | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_time | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_datetime | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_timestamp | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_string | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_blob | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_enum | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_set | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_geometry | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_other | 0 |
init_command_executed_count | 0 |
init_command_failed_count | 0 |
com_quit | 0 |
com_init_db | 0 |
com_query | 0 |
com_field_list | 0 |
com_create_db | 0 |
com_drop_db | 0 |
com_refresh | 0 |
com_shutdown | 0 |
com_statistics | 0 |
com_process_info | 0 |
com_connect | 0 |
com_process_kill | 0 |
com_debug | 0 |
com_ping | 0 |
com_time | 0 |
com_delayed_insert | 0 |
com_change_user | 0 |
com_binlog_dump | 0 |
com_table_dump | 0 |
com_connect_out | 0 |
com_register_slave | 0 |
com_stmt_prepare | 0 |
com_stmt_execute | 0 |
com_stmt_send_long_data | 0 |
com_stmt_close | 0 |
com_stmt_reset | 0 |
com_stmt_set_option | 0 |
com_stmt_fetch | 0 |
com_deamon | 0 |
bytes_received_real_data_normal | 0 |
bytes_received_real_data_ps | 0 |
ODBC Support | enabled |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 0 |
ODBC library | Win32 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
odbc.allow_persistent | On | On |
odbc.check_persistent | On | On |
odbc.default_cursortype | Static cursor | Static cursor |
odbc.default_db | no value | no value |
odbc.default_pw | no value | no value |
odbc.default_user | no value | no value |
odbc.defaultbinmode | return as is | return as is |
odbc.defaultlrl | return up to 4096 bytes | return up to 4096 bytes |
odbc.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
odbc.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
OpenSSL support | enabled |
OpenSSL Library Version | OpenSSL 0.9.8zb 6 Aug 2014 |
OpenSSL Header Version | OpenSSL 0.9.8zb 6 Aug 2014 |
PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support | enabled |
PCRE Library Version | 8.32 2012-11-30 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
pcre.backtrack_limit | 1000000 | 1000000 |
pcre.recursion_limit | 100000 | 100000 |
PDO support | enabled |
PDO drivers | mysql, odbc, sqlite |
PDO Driver for MySQL | enabled |
Client API version | mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 731e5b87ba42146a687c29995d2dfd8b4e40b325 $ |
PDO Driver for ODBC (Win32) | enabled |
ODBC Connection Pooling | Enabled, strict matching |
PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x | enabled |
SQLite Library | |
PostgreSQL Support | enabled |
PostgreSQL(libpq) Version | 8.3.6 |
Multibyte character support | enabled |
SSL support | disabled |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 0 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
pgsql.allow_persistent | On | On |
pgsql.auto_reset_persistent | Off | Off |
pgsql.ignore_notice | Off | Off |
pgsql.log_notice | Off | Off |
pgsql.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
pgsql.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Phar: PHP Archive support | enabled |
Phar EXT version | 2.0.1 |
Phar API version | 1.1.1 |
SVN revision | $Id: 21d763042eb5769ae0a09dc1118df2b5aae6fb33 $ |
Phar-based phar archives | enabled |
Tar-based phar archives | enabled |
ZIP-based phar archives | enabled |
gzip compression | enabled |
bzip2 compression | enabled |
OpenSSL support | enabled |
Phar based on pear/PHP_Archive, original concept by Davey Shafik. Phar fully realized by Gregory Beaver and Marcus Boerger. Portions of tar implementation Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Tim Kientzle. |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
phar.cache_list | no value | no value |
phar.readonly | On | On |
phar.require_hash | On | On |
Reflection | enabled |
Version | $Id: 4af6c4c676864b1c0bfa693845af0688645c37cf $ |
Session Support | enabled |
Registered save handlers | files user |
Registered serializer handlers | php php_binary wddx |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
session.auto_start | Off | Off |
session.bug_compat_42 | Off | Off |
session.bug_compat_warn | Off | Off |
session.cache_expire | 180 | 180 |
session.cache_limiter | nocache | nocache |
session.cookie_domain | no value | no value |
session.cookie_httponly | On | Off |
session.cookie_lifetime | 1209600 | 0 |
session.cookie_path | / | / |
session.cookie_secure | Off | Off |
session.entropy_file | no value | no value |
session.entropy_length | 0 | 0 |
session.gc_divisor | 1000 | 1000 |
session.gc_maxlifetime | 1209600 | 1440 |
session.gc_probability | 1 | 1 |
session.hash_bits_per_character | 5 | 5 |
session.hash_function | 0 | 0 | | PHPSESSID | PHPSESSID |
session.referer_check | no value | no value |
session.save_handler | files | files |
session.save_path | C:\Windows\Temp | C:\Windows\Temp |
session.serialize_handler | php | php |
session.use_cookies | On | On |
session.use_only_cookies | On | On |
session.use_trans_sid | 0 | 0 |
Simplexml support | enabled |
Revision | $Id: 02ab7893b36d51e9c59da77d7e287eb3b35e1e32 $ |
Schema support | enabled |
Soap Client | enabled |
Soap Server | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
soap.wsdl_cache | 1 | 1 |
soap.wsdl_cache_dir | /tmp | /tmp |
soap.wsdl_cache_enabled | 1 | 1 |
soap.wsdl_cache_limit | 5 | 5 |
soap.wsdl_cache_ttl | 86400 | 86400 |
Sockets Support | enabled |
SPL support | enabled |
Interfaces | Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject |
Classes | AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException |
SQLite3 support | enabled |
SQLite3 module version | 0.7-dev |
SQLite Library | |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
sqlite3.extension_dir | no value | no value |
Dynamic Library Support | enabled |
Internal Sendmail Support for Windows | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
---|---|---| | 1 | 1 |
assert.bail | 0 | 0 |
assert.callback | no value | no value |
assert.quiet_eval | 0 | 0 |
assert.warning | 1 | 1 |
auto_detect_line_endings | 0 | 0 |
default_socket_timeout | 60 | 60 |
from | no value | no value |
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars | PHP_ | PHP_ |
safe_mode_protected_env_vars | LD_LIBRARY_PATH | LD_LIBRARY_PATH |
url_rewriter.tags | a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry | a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry |
user_agent | no value | no value |
Tidy support | enabled |
libTidy Release | 25 March 2009 |
Extension Version | 2.0 ($Id$) |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
tidy.clean_output | no value | no value |
tidy.default_config | no value | no value |
Tokenizer Support | enabled |
WDDX Support | enabled |
WDDX Session Serializer | enabled |
XML Support | active |
XML Namespace Support | active |
libxml2 Version | 2.7.8 |
XMLReader | enabled |
core library version | xmlrpc-epi v. 0.51 |
php extension version | 0.51 |
author | Dan Libby |
homepage | |
open sourced by | |
XMLWriter | enabled |
Zip | enabled |
Extension Version | $Id: b1a1a3628c4ed0ad78fb0cc4a99b06a56aa281c4 $ |
Zip version | 1.11.0 |
Libzip version | 0.10.1 |
ZLib Support | enabled |
Stream Wrapper support | compress.zlib:// |
Stream Filter support | zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate |
Compiled Version | 1.2.7 |
Linked Version | 1.2.7 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
zlib.output_compression | Off | Off |
zlib.output_compression_level | -1 | -1 |
zlib.output_handler | no value | no value |
Module Name |
Host | |
Connection | keep-alive |
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests | 1 |
User-Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36 |
Accept | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8 |
Referer | |
Accept-Encoding | gzip, deflate |
Accept-Language | cs-CZ,cs;q=0.8 |
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